Šogad, no 12. līdz 16 aprīlim, norisinās otrā online izstāde SEE ALL by KARAVELA 2021, kuras ietvaros notiek tikšanās ar klientiem un vērtīgi online bezmaksas webināri.
Webināru laiki un tēmas:
13.04. , 15:00
Refresh of Canned Wild Salmon Market. Updated!
Speaker: Andris Bite, CEO of KARAVELA
Pieslēgšanās link - https://bit.ly/39XxOsi
14.04., 15:00
Product marking trends & Innovative Vegan Tuno products
Speaker: Andris Bite, CEO of KARAVELA
Pieslēgšanās links - https://bit.ly/3uCSnSG
15.04., 15:00
The pelagic industry in Scotland and the science behind the scenes
Speakers: Robert Duthie, Managing Director of Dehnolm Seafoods Ltd
Nicola Hope, Sales Executive of Denholm Seafoods Ltd
Speakers: Ian Gatt, CEO of Scottish Pelagic Fisherman Association
Dr.Steve Mackinson, Chief Scientific Officer, Scottish Pelagic Fisherman Association
The north atlantic pelagic advocacy group (NAPA) - A pre-competitive collaboration established to improve the management of NE Atlantic pelagics
Speaker: Dr Tom Pickerell - NAPA Project Lead
Pieslēgšanās links - https://bit.ly/3uAAPqo